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Professional Development

Below find resources that will help in your professional development. These include resident programs sponsored as part of the TraxVet Program. 

*Please note that The ACVD is not affiliated with many of these programs and does not necessarily endorse all of the the content of this program

Disc Training

Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim

You should have received the user and password credentials during the DISC training session at the Seattle NAVDF

The Vet Whisperer

The Vet Whisperer programme is currently available free of charge. 

The program focuses on defining, understanding and developing self-confidence.  Developing self-confidence begins by defining, understanding and dealing with self-doubt. The program sets out 6 drivers of Self-Doubt (doubt, deadlines, difficulty, disappointment, disagreement and disapproval), all of which are inherent to working in veterinary practice. This program was developed by a veterinarian. 

Communicating for Commitment and Compliance

Jane Shaw, DVM, PhD

Sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition

This webinar discusses your communications skills with owners of pets, specifically atopic dogs, and looks to enhance their commitment and compliance.