Inspired by a passion for the specialty, the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology (AAVD) and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology (ACVD) created the North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum (NAVDF) in 2011 to provide state-of-the-art continuing education paired with outstanding social events and networking opportunities. An interactive exhibit hall with innovative products and services to elevate the practice of veterinary dermatology is also a feature of the Forum. During a WCVD year, there is no NAVDF held.
The next NAVDF will be in Orlando in 2025.
Every four years, a World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology (WCVD) is held, which is organized by one of the member organizations under the auspices of the World Association of Veterinary Dermatology. The World Congress in Veterinary Dermatology was initiated by member organizations representing American, Canadian and European specialists in veterinary dermatology. More recently, organizations from Asia and Australasia have joined, making this a truly international event.
The next WCVD will be in Seville, Spain in 2028.