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Awards & Grants
2023 Award of Excellence
Sponsor: Elanco Animal Health
Dr. Jennifer Matousek
VCA Aurora Animal Hospital, Aurora, IL
This person was my nominee because they exemplify my ideal of what this award means.
This person has quietly served the ACVD® for many years with dedication and sincerity. I first met this person upon being asked to join one of the standing committees in 2005. Working with this person was enlightening, educational and always enjoyable. This person helped me work in a group and on email threads and taught me so much about Word formatting! You really can find anything on Google (not long after it was “invented”!)
Prior to that meeting, this special person served on several committees, often progressing to the Chair, and continues to serve the ACVD® until this day- I would love to list all of them, but it would give away the surprise too soon.
Board-certified in 2000, this individual has done more service for the ACVD® in a non-public, respectful way than anyone I know. Quite reserved overall, this person can effectually discuss any topic of import (like policy or future planning) of the College with anyone.
Known to be honest and caring, embarrassed by any public recognition, there is certainly a sense of humor that can come out when asked what favorite beverage is needed to complete long committee meetings:
It is my pleasure to present to Dr. Jennifer Matousek.
As presented by Emily Rothstein, DVM, DACVD®

2024 Peter J. Ihrke Resident Research Awards
Sponsor: Zoetis
Clinical Science:
Elana Vlodaver (First Place)
Lindsey Citron (Honorable Mention)
Basic Science:
Robert Ward (First Place)
Christopher Lopresto (Honorable Mention)
2023 Hill’s Resident Externship Grants
Sponsor: Hill's Pet Nutrition