Find Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologists


February 5, 2025

Veterinary Dermatology Specialty Internship


The Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences announces a 12-month specialty internship in clinical dermatology. This internship training program is ideal for applicants who have already completed a small animal rotating internship and are interested in pursuing advanced training in veterinary dermatology. The starting date for this position will be 07/14/2025 and completed on 07/10/2026.

This specialty internship in dermatology is offered by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Dermatology Service and supervised by Dr. Ben Tham, DVM, Diplomate ACVD, and Dr. Ivan Ravera, DVM, MSc, PhD, Diplomate ECVD. In addition to two faculty members, the Dermatology intern will join a team that comprises one Dermatology resident, one licensed veterinary technician, and one veterinary assistant. The Dermatology intern will spend 100% of the time dedicated to clinical dermatology service under the supervision of the faculty. Responsibilities include primary patient care, instruction and supervision of veterinary students, consultation with primary veterinarians and other services within the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and sharing on-call duties with the Dermatology resident. The Dermatology intern will also be involved in weekly Journal Club, Book Chapter and Basic Science Review, and dermatopathology rounds.

The dermatology service is equipped with a multi-headed teaching microscope with a monitor, Karl-Storz video otoscopy with Vet Pump II, Phovia Light therapy, and a CO2 laser unit (VetScalpel 45W CO2 laser, Ascuelight). Other facilities at VTH include a full-service radiology service (including digital radiography and fluoroscopy, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging capabilities for both large and small animals).

In the VTH, the intern will have the opportunity to interact and consult with other specialty services in the VTH. These specialty services include Ophthalmology, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Neurology, Anesthesiology, Soft Tissue and Orthopedic Surgery, Cardiology, Emergency and Critical Care, Oncology, Radiology, Theriogenology, Large Animal Medicine, Large Animal Surgery, Production Medicine Management, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Microbiology and Rehabilitation.

Upon completion of the internship, an official VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine certificate will be awarded. The current salary for a specialty internship is $37,500. Sick leave is earned at 10 hours per month.  Annual leave is earned at a rate of 16 hours per month. Annual leave must be taken during the term of appointment. Restriction applies to the program’s first and last two weeks when overlap with incoming and outgoing interns occurs.  The University will offer health insurance, and the candidate will pay the cost associated with their plan.

Applicants must possess a DVM or equivalent degree and obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine in Virginia. A faculty license will be obtained. Only US, Canada and Mexico citizens or legal residents will be considered for this internship position.

Contact Information: Interested applicants with any questions should contact Dr. Ben Tham ( To be considered for this position, applicants must submit (1) cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae that includes the contact information, and (3) three professional references.

All materials should be submitted electronically to Dr. Ben Tham at or by mail to:

Dr. Ben Tham

Department of Small Animal Clinical Science

Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

Virginia Tech

205 Duck Pond Dr.

Blacksburg VA 24060.

Ad Expires: August 4th, 2025